· By Victoria Burns
First Period Blog
First Period
From the first time we hear about periods, we are often told the negative side effects. From how painful the symptoms are, to the high chance our skin will break out, to the weight we can expect to gain.. the list goes on. Firstly, I think it’s so very important as a mother, a sister, a dad or a role model that we don’t start off our girls with this programming. I know when my first period came around, I cried. A lot. In hindsight, there is a great possibility that my hormones were doing wonders but I think a lot of my tears were the unconscious fear I had developed around my period. In school we are told the works of our period but not often enough the celebration of finally stepping into womanhood.
My advice to my younger self and any young, beautiful women who are beginning or have just begun their journey into womanhood, is to ask questions without hesitating, it's completely normal and natural. The more questions you ask, the more you know and the more you are prepared!
All my friends have their periods but me! What is wrong with me?
No need to stress! The average age for a female to get their period is from the ages of 11 to 16, give or take. But in saying this your period also depends a lot on genetics and your body mass index. If you are really concerned it wouldn’t hurt to see a family doctor for a general check up. It is hard to not to compare but remember every girl develops in their own time.
Why do periods happen?
A period occurs due to the changes in female hormones that cause a regular bleed. It is a natural part of womanhood and where your body begins to prepare itself for pregnancy. The lining of your uterus thickens and an egg grows and is released from one of your ovaries. When pregnancy does not occur, the lining starts to break down and seperate from the wall of the uterus, beginning the period.
How long does a period last for?
This can vary. A period usually lasts for 3-5 days but can also go for a longer amount of time or shorter. A period can also vary from one cycle to another in quality and quantity.
Can you use a tampon on your first period?
Of course! It is completely up to you, both tampons and pads are safe for your first period. If you do decide to use a tampon, would recommend starting with a smaller size such as the Femme Organic mini tampons.
How do I know my period is coming? Helpful apps to track both my period and ovulation?
PMS may occur 1-2 weeks before your period, symptoms can include mood changes, sugar cravings, pimples, bloating and some may experience tender breasts. One of my go to apps is ‘MyFlo’. Not only does it help you track your period and ovulation but shows at each phase, what exercise is best for you and what foods are great to eat to help support your hormone levels over your 28 cycle.
How long should I wear a tampon for a pad?
For a tampon you should keep it in for no longer than 8 hours. For a pad it is recommended that you should change every 4 to 8 hours, but can also base it off your flow at the time.
What is PMS?
PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. This is when a woman will experience physical and emotional changes before, after or during her menstrual cycle! Sounds scary? This is completely normal. To ease these symptoms head to our blog for more information and tips and tricks to navigate this.
What do I do if I get my first period at school?
My first suggestion would be to come prepared at all times. Whether it be having a spare tampon in your school bag or a spare pad! I know for me, the first time I got my period I freaked out, I was so overwhelmed. The best thing to do is take a deep breath, you have come prepared. This is a natural part of being human, it’s also an exciting start to a new chapter, womanhood!
Do periods happen regularly when menstruation starts?
For some it may, for some others it may take a few years to come regularly. Both of these outcomes are completely normal. Just remember everyone is different and do not compare.