· By Femmé Team
Share The Dignity - How can you help?
Share dignity - how can you help?
At Femme Organic, we are a proud supporter of the incredible charity we work with, Share the Dignity. Share the Dignity works to benefit those in crisis experiencing period poverty. In March of 2015, Founder Rochelle Courtenay, took this devastating issue into her own hands and began to collect sanitary products. She delivered these to local shelters and soon after Share The Dignity came about; a charity with the simple pledge to give those who menstruate, dignity.
3 ways to help:
- Femme Organic will be taking part of the Share the Dignity Christmas appeal #ItsInTheBag. It's In the Bag occurs annually from the 19th to the 28th of November, and all that is encouraged is to fill up a bag of essential items to donate to those in need over Christmas. There are three different bags you can choose from; essential items for adults, essential items for Mums and bubs, or essential items for teens. The items that are being encouraged to donate are products that we use everyday without a second thought such as, a bottle of shampoo, a toothbrush, breast pads, nappies, roll on deodorant, and of course, period care products.Your kind donations can be delivered to your local Bunnings store. Remembering all these essential products are what a woman NEEDS in her everyday life; these donations will go such a long way.
- Dignity drives. Share the Dignity holds a dignity drive twice a year, in March and August, where they encourage people across the country to donate period products and sanitary items. From these incredible drives they've held, they've been able to donate over three million period products to women, girls, and those who menstruate. They have been able to change the lives of many who are experiencing homelessness and/or fleeing domestic violence.
- Move 4 Dignity. This is your chance to get moving! If you are like me and LOVE walking, why not do it for an amazing cause? Move 4 Dignity is the perfect way to stay active and set yourself goals. It's an exercise with a purpose as well as raising money for those in need which is making a life-changing difference.
The smallest act can go such a long way, and it can begin with just a simple conversation regarding period poverty.
“When women support women it feels like nothing can hold us back.
We may be weak, but we are also strong. We are vulnerable, but we are also invincible.
We know fear, but in its face, we can be brave.
We too often remain silent, but when we find our voice we can change the world.”
Rochelle Courtenay
We would also love for you to join us in the Christmas appeal, ‘It’s In The Bag’. We, at Femmé Organic, will be donating our organic period care range along with other essentials and we hope you can be inspired to make any size donation as well.